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#IBDhorrors - a new awareness campaign

So, Halloween is upon us and Marisa ( and I had an idea to create a new IBD campaign to help raise awareness for these horrific diseases.

During the month of October we are asking Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis patients to share their IBD horror stories. If you've had IBD for any length of time, you're going to have at least one (and probably more) IBD horror story.

How can you participate? You can do this in one of four ways...

1) Make a FIVE MINUTE video and upload it to YouTube telling your horror story (DEADLINE: October 29th). Be sure to put the hashtag #IBDhorrors in the title of the video so that Marisa and I can find it. On Halloween, Marisa and I will gather the videos into one playlist so you can watch and listen to others retelling their IBD horror stories.

2) Share a photo on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook (be sure to tag Marisa and/or me) with the hashtag #IBDhorrors. Explain in the description your experience. Marisa and I will be sharing these across social media to hopefully reach a broad audience thereby raising awareness for Crohn's and UC.

3) Help us to share and retweet others' stories with the hashtag #IBDhorrors.

4) Share the graphics that Marisa and I will be posting. We will be sharing some potential IBD horrors that people with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis face during the course of their disease. (see the example below)

Marisa and I hope to convey the seriousness of these diseases. We are trying to help break the stigma in a fun and festive way. What better time to share IBD horror stories than during the Halloween season?

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