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23andMe - Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Study

23andMe and Pfizer are looking for research participants who live in the United States and have Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis! Why? Because it has been proven that genetics play a big role in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. In an attempt to find a way to best treat IBD, they've joined forces to study 10,000 volunteers. This research could benefit Crohn's and UC fighters in a big way as it will help researchers gain a better understanding in how genetics, DNA and IBD work together and apply their findings to developing drugs that could provide a better and more effective treatment for those who suffer.

What's the catch?
There's NOT one! Not only is there NO COST TO YOU, but you are also helping yourself AND future sufferers of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The added bonus is that you get to find out more about your family history!!! And yes! I've participated in the study.

How do I sign up?
First, click here and follow the enrollment process. After you've finished that, they'll send you a FREE saliva collection kit. It comes with information on how to use the kit, the collection "vial" and everything you need to ship the kit back to the laboratory for them to gather information. in 2-4 weeks they'll email you a link to access REALLY COOL information about your ancestry!

Does it work?
Yep! It does. It was during Thanksgiving holidays when I got an email back from them telling me that there was a possible match for my uncle. Curious, and nervous (I only have three uncles), I sent a request to see which uncle it was (or if the 23andMe got it wrong). Lo and behold, it was my father's brother! We both got so excited and sent a few emails back and forth.

After that, I immediately sent a link to my mother (who has Crohn's) and she, too, participated in the study. Four weeks later, 23andMe informed me that I had a message from a relation that said, "Hey Baby Girl!!!" It was my mother. My response was obvious: "Ha! Now you cannot deny me!"

Not only did I discover a few of my relatives, I also found out that I am 99.8% of European descent. 23andMe breaks it all down for you and shows you what percentages of British, Irish, German, etc. descent that make up your entire DNA. It's really pretty cool.

How else can I benefit?
There's also the Refer-A-Friend link. For every person who purchases a kit (non IBD study participants) you'll get a $10 gift card to!!!

So there you have it, folks! 23andMe is doing their part in helping Pfizer in the continued search to find better treatments for those suffering from Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. And they're inviting you to help. Please, please consider joining in on this cause. You might just be the key to unlocking the mysteries of IBD... and who doesn't want to find out some cool stuff about their ancestry! SIGN UP HERE TODAY! For more information click here or email them.


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