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Work, Colitis Ninja & Poll Results

This week I am feeling completely wiped out. I am not sure if it is because of a B-12 deficiency or because my day job has been robbing me of most of my free time. For the past three weeks I have been working overtime (and even weekends!) trying to get a large project finished. I've barely had enough time to keep up with Colitis Ninja. This really upsets me.

Some of you know that I began Colitis Ninja back in March when I was in the middle of the worst flare of my life. I was hospitalized multiple times and in and out of the ER. I couldn't see an end in sight and I was about to have surgery. It was such a scary time. I was sick of doctors, sick of prednisone, sick of life in general. 

That's when I realized that I must help others. I must raise awareness about IBD. But how? I started doodling on some paper and I showed the very rough sketches to my husband. He loved them! He of course is biased, but I took his encouragement to heart and decided to put my old, rusty graphic design skills to use and created a logo, a blog, a Twitter Page and a Facebook Page.

I am surprised and humbled at the good response she's gotten. People seem to really love her and look up to her. To be honest, I fell in love with the Ninja, too.  I think about it constantly. I think about all my IBD friends all the time and the bond we share with our illnesses. I can't wait to get off work to start executing some of the ideas I've had for Colitis Ninja. I haven't felt this inspired since... well... before my diagnosis about three and a half years ago.

There are so many things I want to accomplish with Colitis Ninja. I want to help others, I want to raise awareness. I want others to know they are not alone in this battle. And I digress. 

This week I had a followup appointment with my surgeon and he told me I was doing better than we had expected! I'm healing up ok, slowly regaining my energy, going to the bathroom 1-3 times a day (he was totally shocked about this)--in short, I seem to be regaining my life! I still have accidents some nights (Thank goodness for diapers!), but supposedly that will ease up with time. I'm also still plagued with Butt Burn, but I hope that it gets easier with time, too. 

Before I go, I wanted to let you know the results of the poll I created about a month ago. You guys voted on the subject of my next comic strip! And the subject is COLONOSCOPIES! I will begin brainstorming for that one and let you know when I get it finished. 

I hope all of you have a great weekend and please know that if you have any questions you can contact me any time via email, Twitter or Facebook. Until next time, keep fighting!!! 

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