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Progress Report

(Sorry for the lack of photos/illustrations in this post. I am currently out of town!)

Thursday I had my first ileostomy blowout in public. This is a story for another time. Thursday I also had an appointment with my surgeon for my second followup after surgery. He was happy about how well my abscess wound was healing. He placed steri-strips on the top and bottom of the abscess in an attempt to reduce scarring. He also told me that when he goes in for my second surgery in two months he's going to take the scar out (Yay for free plastic surgery!).

My surgeon also gave me more good news. Tomorrow is my last dose of prednisone. Thank goodness! I am finally going to be free of this evil drug.

Friday as my husband was dressing my wound he found another abscess located along my incision above Filch, the previous abscess. We immediately called my surgeon who told us that it was ok. He told us just to keep draining it and keep it clean. He said we really shouldn't worry so much.

So, in two months I should have my second surgery. I'm both nervous and excited. I hope all of you have a Happy Memorial Day. I'd like to thank all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. God Bless America!

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