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Getting More Involved

I have given much thought to how I want to be more involved in spreading awareness and funds for the research of IBD. I'd like to take today to share with you some ideas I had and maybe get a little bit of feedback from you. Here are some items I've thought about selling and donating funds to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America...

Awareness Ribbons

Ostomy Bag Covers

Cookie Gift Buckets


Tote Bags

Most of these are in the planning stages and I have not physically created them yet. I'm just throwing these ideas around right now to see what kind of interest I can generate. I need your thoughts/ideas/comments/suggestions. I really want to be more active in helping raise funds but I don't know exactly how to get started. If I can generate enough interest in any of these products I'd like to go ahead and get started. What do you like? What do you dislike? Tell me what you think! I really appreciate your help with this.

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