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Introducing the Colitis Ninja!

Each week I'd like to introduce a new "character" of the blog. This week is our star, Colitis Ninja. 

Why a Ninja?
The Ninja represents a hard core fighter. UCers are hard core fighters, too! We not only battle our own bodies, but medications, food and even sometimes our doctors. Ninjas are virtually invisible. Ulcerative Colitis is considered an invisible disease. We may look healthy, but we do not feel healthy. A Ninja is silent. Fighters of UC are, in general, battling in silence. The fear of rejection, embarrassment and being misunderstood are the main reasons we do not talk about our disease.

The Ninja and What Else She Represents
The Colitis Ninja has her trusty spoon. Chronic illness fighters rely on their spoons to get them through the day. With a spoon this size, Colitis Ninja can accomplish anything!

The butterfly design on the spoon represents chronic diseases.

Colitis Ninja uses her 10mg Prednisone Throwing Stars in her battle against the Spastic Colon

The ninja suit is purple. Purple represents courage.

Toilet Paper Accessories... because you never know when you're gonna need it.

The Colitis Ninja always wears her trusty Adult Diaper. THAT'S RIGHT! She wears a diaper... because accidents can happen and it's better safe than sorry--ain't no shame in it!

She is prepared for any situation no matter how severe or embarrassing. Colitis Ninja never lets anyone--or anything--keep her down.

So there you have it, folks! The Colitis Ninja! Tune in next week to meet Colin the Colon... :)

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